
Why do cats make a weird face after smelling something?

Clarissa Brincat

When a cat sniffs something, it sometimes adopts a strange facial expression, seemingly shocked by the smell of a stinky object. So why do cats really make this weird "stink face?" Turns out it has ...[Continue Reading]

Live Science

1 day ago

Recent News (Science)


UC Profs Receive $2 Million Grant for Climate Action Art Initiative

Mike LaChance

I cant wait until Elon Musk and DOGE put their focus on higher education. There is so much to work with there.UC professors receive $2 million for climate action art initiative A handful of Univers ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago


Our updated letter to the three ecology/evolution societies who claimed that sex was a spectrum


As I wrote on February 13, three important societies representing evolutionary biology, ecology, and systematics issued a grossly misleading statement aimed at the government. (It is dated February 5 ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago


Heres What Can Happen If You Drink Too Much Water

Trisha Leigh

We should all know by now that you can have too much of a good thing, and even though we know our bodies need quite a bit of water to thrive, you can overdo that, too. In fact, theres a name for th ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago


How Antarcticas Most Extreme Volcano Sustains A Hidden EcosystemA Biologist Explains

Scott Travers, Contributor, Scott Travers, Contributor

Sandwiched between the freezing cold of Earths coldest continent and the warmth of its southernmost ... ...[Continue Reading]


1 day ago


3 Ways To Speak Your Partners Emotional Love LanguageBy A Psychologist

Mark Travers, Contributor, Mark Travers, Contributor

Love isn't just about how we giveits about how we receive and respond to each others emotions. getty Love languages emphasize various meaningful gestures that strengthen relationshipsflowers, da ...[Continue Reading]


1 day ago