When did modern humans reach each of the 7 continents?
Tom Metcalfe
Modern humans now permanently live on every continent except Antarctica, but it wasn't always this way. After our species, Homo sapiens , emerged in Africa at least 300,000 years ago , some eventua ...[Continue Reading]
Live Science
1 day ago
Recent News (Science)
Researchers Around The World Are Competing To Design The Best Ship To Launch An Entire Generation Into Space, With Another Solar System Their Ultimate Destination
Kyra Piperides
In a reality akin to a sci-fi novel, a team of international interdisciplinary scientists have launched a competition to design a generation ship that, if built, would allow humanity to leave Earth ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago
The best new science fiction books of March 2025
Alison Flood
The moon has turned to cheese in John Scalzis new sci-fi novel Madeleine Steinbach / Alamy Stock Photo My only complaint about the science fiction due to be published in March is: how in the world ...[Continue Reading]

New Scientist
1 day ago
From Hunches To AI: Marketings Future Is Here
Michael Ashley, Contributor, Michael Ashley, Contributor https://www.forbes.com/sites/cognitiveworld/people/michaelashley1/
We've come a long way since The Mad Men days... Deposit Photos In the Mad Men pilot, the hero Don Draper (John Hamm) tells his prospect they desperately need to change how they sell their services. ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago
How The H-1B Modernization Rule Supports Immigrant Entrepreneurship
Sophie Alcorn, Forbes Councils Member, Sophie Alcorn, Forbes Councils Member https://www.forbes.com/councils/forbesbusinesscouncil/people/sophiealcorn/
Founder of Alcorn Immigration Law, Sophie Alcorn, helps tech and entrepreneurial talent navigate U.S. immigration for visas and green cards. getty The H-1B visa allows U.S. employers to hire highly ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago
Online Dating Company Announces $20M Annual Fund to Accelerate virtual intimacy Startups
Scott Hayden
Social Discovery Group, the company behind Dating.com and DateMyAge.com, announced its launched a venture studio that aims to transform virtual intimacy into the new normal by backing early-stage ...[Continue Reading]

Road to VR
1 day ago