
The Best Mattress Toppers For Side Sleepers That Excel At Pressure Relief

Alexandra Garrett, Forbes Staff, Alexandra Garrett, Forbes Staff

Side sleepers tend to have a longer checklist than mostif your current mattress isnt getting the job done, a mattress topper may provide relief. The best mattress toppers for side sleepers add cushio ...[Continue Reading]


1 day ago

Recent News (Science)


"Make-up sex" helps our ape cousins resolve their issues, too

Bronwyn Thompson

A new look into the private lives of chimpanzees has found that the primates settle disagreements with close friends by rubbing genitals together, a behavior previously that's commonly seen in their ...[Continue Reading]

New Atlas

1 day ago


Impact of maternal smoking and secondhand smoke exposure during singleton pregnancy on placental abruption: analysis of a prospective cohort study (the Japan Environment and Childrens Study)

Karumai-Mori, H., Hamada, H., Iwama, N., Tomita, H., Tagami, K., Kumagai, N., Kudo, R., Wang, H., Izumi, S., Watanabe, Z., Ishikuro, M., Obara, T., Tatsuta, N., Metoki, H., Ota, C., Kuriyama, S., Arima, T., Yaegashi, N., Saito, M., The Japan Environment a

Introduction Placental abruption is defined as the premature separation of a normally implanted placenta before delivery.1 It occurs in approximately 0.4%1% of births.2 3 Placental abruption is a se ...[Continue Reading]


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Q&A: Using smartphones to create 3D scans of stranded marine life


Brendan Cottrell studies the application of remote sensing and drone technology in marine mammal conservation at the Applied Remote Sensing Laboratory at McGill University, where he recently complete ...[Continue Reading]


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Trump Is On The Verge Of Ending The EPAs Tyranny


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