
Sunset on the moon seen in stunning images taken by lunar lander

Kerry Breen

A lunar lander has completed its two-week mission and sent spectacular sunset images as a "final goodbye" back to Earth. The Blue Ghost Mission 1 lander was launched by Firefly Aerospace in mid-Ja ...[Continue Reading]

CBS News

2 days ago

Recent News (Science)


Belief: A Conversation with Will Murray, Second Place at the 2025 Black Canyon 100k

Robbie Harms

Will Murray stood under the orange sunrise sky and believed. You belong, he told himself at the 2025 Black Canyon 100k start line in February. Its possible that the only other person there who belie ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago


Christianity Was Borderline Illegal in Silicon Valley. Now Its the New Religion

Zo Bernard

Part of the problem is that for most of Silicon Valleys existence, its overarching monoculture privileged a certain type of smart person. It was the kind of smart person who campaigned for Barack Oba ...[Continue Reading]

Vanity Fair

1 day ago


Protected Rainforest Paved Over for Climate Summit

Ken Ham

In November 2025, over 50,000 peopleincluding many world leaders and dignitarieswill arrive in Belm, Brazil, for the COP30 climate summit. Over the years, this climate event has been highly criticiz ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago


Hollow Men: The Republican Party is Nothing More Than a Host for the Malignancies of Donald Trump

Gabrielle Bellot

In House Taken Over, a curious short story by Julio Cortzar from 1946, the rooms of a brother and sisters ancestral manor are invaded by an inexplicable presence. The narrator and his sibling, Irene ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago


Garda arrest four men in Co Meath after seizure of heroin and cannabis worth 350k

Neil Fetherstonhaugh

Garda found 12kgs of cannabis herb, 400gs of heroin, eight bars of cannabis resin, and cannabis oils/gels/jellies and vapes. Four men were arrested at the scene of a major drug bust in in Stirling, ...[Continue Reading]

1 day ago